Sunday, July 29, 2018

Issue #29 - Headlines Expressed as Gifs & Interesting Startups

Broster - A combination of a bro and a hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between.

Headlines Expressed as Gifs/Photos


Interesting Startups
PintHub - $9.99/month and get one free beer a day from a participating bar or brewery. A bit excessive but a good deal. The membership-based app is similar to services like MoviePass and ClassPass, but instead of giving its members a free movie per day or access to fitness classes at any gym, PintHub is all about beer. 

Nesterly - The brainchild of Noelle Marcus and Rachel Goor, two recent graduates of MITs masters program in urban planning. The service matches younger people who need affordable housing with older adults who charge affordable prices - including help around the house - for the extra rooms of their homes. Airbnb for Affordable Housing


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Issue #28 - Failure Lab

Broster - A combination of a bro and a hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between. 

"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that won't work" - Thomas Edison

"My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure." - Abraham Lincoln


Fail of a Failure Quote: "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." - Bill Cosby 

His key to failure ended up being much worse. 😬

Alternate Ted Talks (Or Trump might say Failin' Ted)
Failure Lab is described on their website as a raw and intimate evening showcasing personal stories of failure. With a refreshing environment of openness, it helps pave the way for change by crushing the isolation and stigma around failure. Failure then takes its rightful place as the crucial first step to the next big thing. 

Often you see stories that gloss over the failures and hard work and just focus on success. This concept of presenting rugged vulnerability and failure stories is welcoming and relatable to most people. 

Broster Comic
Interesting find that a Broster comic exists and drawn by a guy named Joe Mohr

(The lead singer gives a failure talk on being one hit wonder)

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Issue #27 - MLK - "The Role of the Behavioral Scientist in the Civil Rights Movement"

Broster - A combination of a bro and a hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between. 

MLK Assassination - 50 Years Later 
In reflection on the anniversary of Martin Luther Kings assassination this is a must read speech given just seven month before his death. The speech was given at the American Psychological Association's Annual Convention and resonates to this day.

The Role of the Behavioral Scientist in the Civil Rights Movement

 - "White America is seeking to keep the walls of segregation substantially intact while the evolution of society and the Negro's desperation is causing them to crumble. The white majority, unprepared and unwilling to accept radical structural change, is resisting and producing chaos while complaining that if there were no chaos orderly change would come.
- "Negros want the social scientist to address the white community and 'tell it like it is.' White America has an appalling lack of knowledge concerning the reality of Negro life. One reason some advances were made in the South during the past decade was the discovery by norther whites of the brutal facts of southern segregated life.
- "Thus, it may well be that our world is in dire need of a new organization, The International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment. I am sure that we will recognize that there are some things in our society, some things in our world, to which we should never be adjusted. There are some things concerning which we must always be maladjusted if we are to be people of good will. We must never adjust ourselves to racial discrimination and racial segregation. We must never adjust ourselves to religious bigotry. We must never adjust ourselves to economic conditions that take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few. We must never adjust ourselves to the madness of militarism, and the self-defeating effects of violence. "

Related Read:
"The Race Beat: The Press, The Civil Rights Struggle, and the Awakening of a Nation"
By: Gene Roberts & Hank Klibanoff

With all this talk today of whats real and "fake" news its a refreshing look at how journalists used to operate. This is the story of how the nation's press, after decades of ignoring the problem, came to recognize the importance of the civil rights struggle and turn it into the most significant domestic news event of the 20th century. It utilizes private correspondence, notes from secret meetings, unpublished articles, and interviews to show how a dedicated bunch of newsmen - first black reporters, then liberal southern editors, then reporters and photographers from the national press and the broadcast media - revealed to a nation its most shameful shortcomings and propelled its citizens to act.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Issue #26 - Basketball Brackets & Blockchain-Based Ballots

Broster - A combination of a bro and a hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between. 

Positive News
Brackets may be busted but basketball plays on for the Loyola-Chicago Rablers with fan favorite Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt. The 98 year old Sister Jean is a former player and coach, who provides comforting words and feedback to the players after each game. Unfortunately she has Loyola losing in the Sweet 16 (she keeps it real) but we can all hope for a continuous run for Sister Jean and this Underdog team as they take on #7 Nevada next.

Blockchain-Based Ballots
Sierra Leone has become the first country to utilize blockchain technology in the voting process. On March 7th the country recorded votes at 70% of the polling to the blockchain using a technology that is the first of its kind in actual practice.

The tech, created by Agora, anonymously stored votes in an immutable ledger, offering instant access to the election results. By using blockchain to immutably record ballots and results, the country hopes to create legitimacy around the election and reduce fall-out from opposition parties. The goal ultimately is to reduce voting costs by cutting paper ballots and to reduce corruption in the voting process.

As for the election results it is still unclear who won and there will be a run-off election March 27th. The winner will succeed President Ernest Bai Koroma who has run the country for a decade.

Basketball Jones - Chris Rock & Barry White
Ndundule - Mokoomba

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Issue #25 - Black Wall Street

Broster - A combination of a bro and a hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between. 

In honor of Black History Month will feature a few posts on Black History

Black Wall Street
During the early 20th century the Tulsa, Oklahoma suburb of Greenwood was popularly known as America's "Black Wall Street."During the oil boom of the 1910s, the area of northeast Oklahoma around Tulsa flourished drawing many people to move there for better opportunities. However amongst Oklahoma's first laws as as an official state in 1907 was strict segregation laws. As a result, Blacks in the area created entrepreneurial opportunities for themselves   The Greenwood area emerged as a result, housing a thriving business center, banks, hotels, cafes, clothiers, movie theaters, and contemporary homes. Greenwood residents enjoyed any luxuries that their white neighbors did not, including indoor plumbing and a highly functioning school system.

Such success drew envy as white backlash emerged with the growth of the Ku Klux Klan in the area and ultimately culminated in the Tulsa Massacre of 1921. Just before this devastating event occurred, there were over 10,000 black residents in the Greenwood District and surrounding areas. The events that preceded the massacre, and were used as "justification" was the alleged assault of a white female elevator operator by a black shoeshiner. During the massacre, 35 square blocks of homes and businesses were torched by mobs of angry whites. The attack killed hundreds and left thousands homeless. The city government of Tulsa conspired with the mob, arresting many black residents and refusing to provide them with protection or assistance.

Another shameful piece of American history, hardly ever mentioned, if i recall from my middle school black history month days.

Notable Residents
O.W Gurley - A young entrepreneur who had resigned from a presidential appointment under President Grover Cleveland to move to Tulsa and strike out on his own. He purchased 40 acres of land to be "only sold to colored."

J.B Stradford - Arrived in Tulsa in 1899 believing that black people had a better chance of economic progress if they pooled their resources and supported each other's businesses. He bought large tracts of real estate in the northeastern part of Tulsa, which he had subdivided and sold exclusively to other blacks.  Since segregation was a reality and legalized with statehood this became a way to thrive under such conditions.

Dr. A.C Jackson - considered the "most able Negro surgeon in America" by the Mayo brothers (of the famed Mayo Clinic). He was shot to death as he surrendered on his porch during the unrest.

Olivia Hooker - young at the time of the riots but survived to lead an impactful life. She became the first African American woman to enter the coast guard and later became a psychologist and professor. She went on to work in the mental hygiene department of a women's correctional facility. Many woman in this facility were considered to have severe learning disabilities by the staff. Hooker believed they were more capable than given credit and helped the women pursue better education and jobs by approaching them with an open mind. She became one of the founders of the American Psychological Association's Division 33, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. She joined the Tulsa Race Riot Commission in hopes of demanding reparations for the massacre survivors. Hooker is now 103 years old and had joined the Coast Guard once again in the Auxillary, at 95!! 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Issue #24 - Columbus ain't S#*t!

Broster - A combination of a bro and a hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between. 

Columbus ain't S#*t!
Scientists estimate that several hundred years before Columbus' transoceanic voyage, a significant and mysterious journey took place across the Indian Ocean. Research published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society found that approximately 30 percent of Madagascar's Malagasy people shared the same maternal mitochondria traced back to one of only 30 women of Polynesian heritage. A diverse population of humans would normally share only two percent, by comparison. The large percentage of Malagasy from Polynesian descent is evident in the same linguistic and cultural characteristics also found in a small region of southern Borneo, over 4,300 miles away.

The research team ran 40 million different simulations of settlement events to see which was the most likely to have given rise to the current genetic patterns of the island. The most likely result was that a one-off settlement of 30 women (mitochondrial DNA passed down through the mother) and some men landed on the island after a long ocean journey from Borneo/Indonesia. The landing on Madagascar perhaps resulted from a shipwreck or early exploration in vessels not built for long distant transport. The exact circumstances of how they arrived is a mystery with some researchers suggesting perhaps a refugee ship, rather than a merchant vessel, which would be less likely to carry women. Madagascar was then also settled by Bantu peoples of the East African kingdoms as well as other migrant groups all contributing to the biological and cultural make up of modern Madagascar.

Good News/Organization
Pre-Health Dreamers (PHD) is a growing network of over 800 health career bound undocumented students across the country. The organization investigates and shares information on career pathways for pre-health undocumented students as well as advocates for more progressive institutional and governmental policies for undocumented students.

Recently heard about one of the founders, Jirayut "New" Latthivongskorn on a podcast speaking about the organization and the current issues. He is the first undocumented immigrant to attent UC San Francisco School of medicine and was named as a Forbes "30 Under 30" for the work with Pre-Health Dreamers. Jirayut was brought to the U.S from Thailand when he was nine and is now a fourth year medical student. His DACA work authorization expires in January 2019 with his medical residency not yet to being until a few months after that, and could be impossible if loses his authorization to work legally.

"I have all these big ideas about how I want to change the world and change systems around health care. The fact that I might not be able to get there is troubling and frustrating" - Jirayut

He has since joined six other DACA recipients in suing the Trump Administration.

Exhuming McCarthy - R.E.M

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Issue #23 - For the Ladies!

Broster - A combination of a bro and a hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between. 

In observance of the Women's March here are several important women in history

Mary Wollstonecraft - (1759-1797) - An English writer, philosopher, and women's rights advocate. Wollstonecraft is best known for "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman." A central argument was that women are not naturally inferior to men and that women should be educated in a rational manner to give them the opportunity to contribute to society.

Harriet Tubman - (1822-1913) - An absolute BAMF, abolitionist, humanitarian and spy for the Union during the Civil War. Most famously known for her role in rescuing slaves with the Underground Railroad. In her later years she worked to promote the cause of women's suffrage. During the Civil war, Tubman acted as a nurse, conducted reconnaissance missions and became the first woman to lead an armed assault.

Kathrine Switzer - (b.1947) - She became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon as a numbered entry. During her run, race official Jock Semple attempted to tackle Switzer but was shoved tot he ground by Switzers boyfriend who was running with her. It was not until 1972 that women were allowed to run officially.

Valentina Tereshkova - (b. 1937) - The first woman to fly in space aboard the Volstok 6 in 1963.

Bertha von Suttner - (1843-1914) - An Austrian-Bohemian pacifist and novelist. In 1905 she was the first woman to be solely awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Her pacifist novel, "Die Waffen nieder!" (Lay Down Your Arms) made her one of the leading figures in the Austrian peace movement.

Wangari Maathai - (1940-2011)  a Kenyan environmental & political activist as well as a Nobel Laureate. Founder of the Green Belt movement, an environmental NGO focused on the planting of trees, environmental conservation and women's rights.

My Mom, Eileen Brennan - Granted I am a bit biased with this addition but must add the woman who taught me to be a feminist and highlight her contributions to women's history. In 1972, Nassau County (NY) Police Department refused to place her in a police training program with a police official at the time explaining that a woman is not capable of being a patrolman. The official went on to state that if a woman was trained for such a position she would carry a latent defect that would cause violence. She then promptly filed New York State's state's first sex-discrimination complaint against a police department. Six months later, she won her case and the state ordered Nassau to start training cadets for patrol work without regard to sex.

RIP Dolores O'Riordan
NPR Tiny Desk Concert - The Cranberries

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Issue #22 - "Too Rich to Describe"

Broster - A combination of a bro and a hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between. 

Richest People in History
With the recent movement of Jeff Bezos into the position of richest person in the world, brief research ensued in searching for the richest historical figures in todays dollars.

10. Genghis Khan (1162-1227) - Large Land Area of Mongol Empire stretching from China to Europe.

9. Bill Gates - $86 Billion - Microsoft

8. Jeff Bezos - $105 Billion - Amazon

7. Andrew Carnegie - (1835-1919) - $372 Billion - The Scottish immigrant sold his company, US Steel, to J.P Morgan for $480 Million in 1901. Worth roughly 2.1% of US GDP at the time.

6. John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) - $392 Billion - By 1880 his Standard Oil controlled 90% of American Oil production. At the time of his death he was worth roughly 2% of U.S economic output.

5. Emperor Shenzong (1048-1085) - Ruled empire with 25% of global GDP. His rule was during the Song dynasty and wealth came from technological innovations and skilled taxation.

4. Catherine the Great (1729-1796) - 5.4% of Global GDP - ($1.5 Trillion) as ruler of Russian Empire.

3. Empress Wu (624-705)- 22.6 % of Global GDP - 15 year reign expanded Chinese Empire deep into central Asia. Trade of tea and silk allowed for more than 300 units of currency produced.

2. Augustus Caesar (63 BC-14 AD) - 30% world's economic output ($4.6 Trillion) - At one point he personally owned all of Egypt.

1. Mansa Musa (1280-1337) - "Too rich to describe" - King of Timbuktu, his West African Mali Empire was the largest producer of gold in the world.
- Made a pilgrimage to Mecca with an entourage of tens of thousands of soldiers, civilians, and slaves, 500 heralds bearing gold staffs, many horses & camels, and an abundance of gold bars.
- Spent so much money in Cairo, and donated much to the poor, that it caused mass inflation which took years to recover.

Good News
A Pug Cafe exists in Kyoto, Japan.

Relevant Music
Rich Girl - Hall & Oates
Chain Gang - Sam Cooke
Take the Money and Run - Steve Miller Band
Mo Money Mo Problems - The Notorious BIG

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Issue #21 - Obscure Celebrity Cartoon Appearances

Broster - A combination of a bro and a hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between. 

Obscure Celebrity Cartoon Voices - Upon finding out that Flea was the voice of Donnie Thornberry of the Wild Thornberrys, I conducted an extensive 2 minute google search on some other obscure celebrity cartoon voices. The results:

Flea as Donnie Thornberry

George Clooney on South Park as Stan's Dog

JK Simmons as Yellow M&M

----> Bruce Willis as Rugrats Spike

Positive News:
Sankofa Brewing Company is a newly formed craft beer company in Washington D.C. Started by Kofi Meroe and Amado Carsky they strive to incorporate flavors from their upbringing in West Africa, putting a distinct spin on brewing. 

It's nice to see some diversity and unique flavors in the craft beer market. There are only so many pumpkin beers that can be created. 


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Issue #20 - The Christmas Truce

Broster - A combination of a bro and a hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between. 

The Christmas Truce - This refers to a series of unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front of World War I around Christmas 1914.  In the week leading up to the 25th,  French, German, and British soldiers crossed trenches to exchange seasonal greetings and talk. Historical accounts indicate it began at the first light of dawn on Christmas, when some some German soldiers emerged from their trenches calling our "Merry Christmas" in their enemies' native tongue. The Allied solider's at first feared it was a trick, but seeing the Germans unarmed they emerged from the trenches and shook hangs with the enemy soldiers. They exchanged gifts of cigarettes and plum puddings. There were joint burial ceremonies, prisoner swaps, and several meetings ending in carol-singing. A famous example was a game of soccer that took place amongst opposing troops.

The Christmas truces were significant due to the number of men involved and their level of participation. It was seen as a symbolic moment of peace and humanity during one of the most violent events in human history.

Positive NewsBeau's Coffee Shop was the vision of Amy Wright, the mother of two children with down syndrome, whom upon discovering that nearly 70% of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities do not have jobs, they resolved to do something about it. The shop opened in January 2016 and has a staff almost entirely comprised of individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability (Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy) and for many it is their first job. Today the store employs 40 people with disabilities, as well as two managers who have degrees in special education. All the profits from the coffee shop go to Wright's nonprofit, Able to Work USA.

Shop website - Bitty & Beau's Coffee Shop

Topical Music - 
Happy Xmas (War is Over) - John Lennon
Why Can't We Be Friends - WAR
Alive with the Glory of Love - Say Anything

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Issue #19 - Court Mandated Studio Album

Broster - A combination of a bro and hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between. 

Court Mandated Album - Singer Marvin Gaye was so immensely talented that he was able to turn an album about divorce proceedings and the fallout of his marriage into a critically acclaimed album, that later made Rolling Stone Magazines' Top 500 albums of all time list.

Marvin Gaye was going through a personal crisis in the Summer of 1976. In November 1975, Gaye's estranged first wife, Anna Gordy Gaye, sued Gaye for divorce, claiming irreconcilable differences, and seeking child support for their adopted son. What complicated issues further is that Anna Gordy was the sister of Berry Gordy - Motown founder and executive. Since Gaye was falling behind in alimony payments (cocaine addiction was a contributing factor), his lawyer came up with the idea of offering Anna the advance made by Motown against Gaye's next album and half the percentage of album royalties.

When starting production, he said he figured he would do a "quickie record - nothing heavy, nothing even good" since his ex wife would be receiving a large portion of the money anyways. But as he began the project he became more fascinated with it, taking it as an opportunity to express himself with a deep passion and take jabs at his ex wife and embarrass Berry Gordy with a "poison pen." This culminated in Here, My Dear which was released in 1978.

Memorable lines like:
"Why do I have to pay attorney fees, attorney fees? This is a joke, I need a smoke."
"Is that enough to last you a lifetime"
"She was too possessive jealous"
"Judge says she gotta live the way she accustomed to"

Topical Music - 
Here, My Dear - Marvin Gaye
Is That Enough? - Marvin Gaye
Anger - Marvin Gaye
Time to Get it Together - Marvin Gaye