Thursday, December 21, 2017

Issue #21 - Obscure Celebrity Cartoon Appearances

Broster - A combination of a bro and a hipster. Has the party-loving attitude of a bro, the pretentious taste of a hipster, but is somewhere in between. 

Obscure Celebrity Cartoon Voices - Upon finding out that Flea was the voice of Donnie Thornberry of the Wild Thornberrys, I conducted an extensive 2 minute google search on some other obscure celebrity cartoon voices. The results:

Flea as Donnie Thornberry

George Clooney on South Park as Stan's Dog

JK Simmons as Yellow M&M

----> Bruce Willis as Rugrats Spike

Positive News:
Sankofa Brewing Company is a newly formed craft beer company in Washington D.C. Started by Kofi Meroe and Amado Carsky they strive to incorporate flavors from their upbringing in West Africa, putting a distinct spin on brewing. 

It's nice to see some diversity and unique flavors in the craft beer market. There are only so many pumpkin beers that can be created. 


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